This morning we hosted our virtual Financial Accounting & Reporting network event and it was fantastic to see so many of our SSF UK members online.
It was a highly productive and insightful couple of hours kicking off with a deep dive into best practices for FA&R to implement standard procedures and explored the challenges of overcoming resistance, whether from team members or the broader organisation. The session provided the opportunity for members to share best practices, different procedures and documenting processes across our teams and organisations.
The interactive breakout sessions enabled members to connect and discuss and focus some of the challenges and experiences we are facing when implementing standardised procedures. It was great to hear what we are doing specifically to overcome resistance and how we are documenting activities performed by our teams. So much great feedback and takeways!!
Next up was Lloyd Powell Head of Wales within ACCA who discussed their top alent Trends UK and shared insights into retaining and engaging employees. It was great to introduce Lloyd to the network and again lots of insights and takeaways for members.
The last session explored resistance to change, where we looked at strategies for retaining and engaging employees within our shared services. We came together to look into practical techniques that drive employee satisfaction and boost productivity. Another brilliant breakout session which created some great 'food for thought' for our members where they were discussing times when they had felt most engaged and motivated in their roles and what contributed to that experience. It was a great opportunity for members to share their own experiences, journeys and challenges.
Huge thank you to everyone who took the time to join us and share, thank you to our Network Co-Chairs Laure and Fatiha and to Lloyd and ACCA for supporting. The resources from the event are available to view and download on the website HERE and we look forward to seeing you at the next event taking place on day 2 of our annual conference!!