The Hackett group 2022 GBS Performance Study is now open.
GBS or shared services leaders and functional executives who use a GBS or shared services model will learn how they compare to peer and Digital World ClassTM organisations.
Participants receive a personalised presentation comparing performance levels to peer and Digital World ClassTM, along with key success factors and study-based insights. Also, you will have an opportunity to participate in an individual briefing with a Hackett senior advisor.
Completion time depends on the functions included within your GBS and may vary between 60 - 90 minutes or more, depending on the organisation. It's important to note that question 2.1 determines functional sections. Functions for which you can complete the questionnaire are Finance, HR, IT, Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Order Management & Customer Service.
You may complete your responses online in multiple sessions as the survey tool remembers your IP address. You will submit in final at the very end of the study.
The study is open until March 23rd 202 and you can participate HERE