This morning we held out first online Leaders event, facilitated by Board Directors Lisa Hooley and David Herd. The session was entitled "Business Contingency planning and remote working"
Given the recent events impacting globally upon every aspect of our lives, we wanted to find out how you as leaders continue to plan and adapt through sudden disruption? We believe there is real value to be gained in collaborating and learning from each other at this challenging time. Hearing new and unexpected perspectives from others can help challenge your thinking, provide confidence in your own plans and increase your resilience.
Our aim today was to share cross-organisation perspectives regarding COVID-19 responses, challenges and imperatives.
Most of us have already embarked on full deployment of remote working, we wanted to ask what learning's are we discovering and how are you as leaders leading, balancing team morale and team performance, remaining positive, coupled with keeping engagement and a sense of togetherness.
We ran a live session asking the following questions:
- Which one word describes how are you feeling?
- What % of your teams are current working from home or somewhere other than their
normal place of work?
- Looking back what would you say you biggest challenge has been over recent weeks?
- What is your current most significant challenge?
- How well prepared would you say your business contingency plan was for this type of
event? (1= not at all, 5 = totally prepared)
- What plans have you put in place for those in your team who have children at home?
It was really positive to see that most of are feeling like you are coping and adjusting to the current situation. The results of the live poll have been uploaded to resources and are available for you to view and download.
We have set up a fedback poll - we would really appreciate it if you could answer the 5 questions for us to help with planning our next session:
Event #: Feedback-Leaders0320
We plan to a few more of these shorter sessions over the coming weeks and look forward to seeing you there.
Thankyou to everyone for your time this morning and for participating it was a great.
Take care and stay safe.