The NextTEN NextGEN e-learning platform is now closed. To view any of the sessions from the conference, click on the links below:
Hays: NextTEN - Work-life (model) through a future lens - VIEW SESSION
Networking live - The Future of HR Shared Services and how technology supports this - VIEW SESSION
Caspar Craven: Be More Human - Rethinking the Rules of High-Performance Teamwork - VIEW SESSION
Networking live - Technology of the next 10 years - VIEW SESSION
Debra Corey: 10 trends impacting the future of work and employee engagement - VIEW SESSION
Anurag Srivastava: 2020 and Beyond: Key Learnings and Impact on the Future of Delivery & Workforce Strategies - VIEW SESSION
Penny Weller: Picking the Right Key Performance Indicators for Your GBS Organisation - VIEW SESSION
Networking live - The future of finance and the people within finance Shared Service centres - VIEW SESSION
Abigail Barnes: Productive wellbeing & the 888 formula, creating a resilient workforce - VIEW HERE
Dave Coplin: The Rise of the Humans - Dialling in to the Future of Work - VIEW HERE
Sophie Bennett: The Mystery of Motivation - Unlock the secrets of what really motivates us and ignite your leadership - VIEW HERE
Steve Backshall: Climate, our changing world and our place in it - VIEW HERE
FutureVision Annual Awards Ceremony - VIEW HERE