Mick was a long term member of the Shared Services Forum UK, representing the Canal & River Trust and was also a Forum Board Director since the inception of Shared Services Forum UK and previously with the North West Shared Services Forum also. Sadly, he lost his battle with illness and passed away in September this year.
Mick had a real passion for Shared Services and was a genuine and caring people leader. He will always be remembered by us.
The SSF UK Board
The following tribute comes from the team who worked alongside him at Canal & River Trust:
Mick didn’t do things by halves. Whatever the target, goal or aim he would always give 110%.
His enthusiasm was contagious and he would use his unique blend of humour and charm to convince all those around him that this latest goal was going to be an amazing experience and they simply must be a part of it. Mick was always a great leader but things stepped up a gear when he became involved in the forum. From then on both he and our whole team went from good to great.
Using the philosophy of growing our own, we promoted from within and grew together to become a very strong unit that was able to support British Waterways and CRT to fulfil the wider ambition of looking after our national assets, the waterways. We did it with passion, fun and enthusiasm. The journey was both exciting and enjoyable and we achieved many milestones along the way.
We are very proud of our Procurement Award and were also short listed for CICM credit team of the year.
However Mick didn’t do it for the glamour. He did it for the people and the need to evolve and grow. Always looking to expand our horizons and make each and every one of us a better, more skilled/rounded person.
Our SSC team were together for 14 years. We loved him and would do anything for him. With Mick at the helm we truly believed we could do anything and we did it all. He showed us the true value of real team work. An inspiring leader that could never be replaced.
A true legend.